This documentation is for our legacy Billingbooth Classic service. If you are a Billingbooth One user please see

Viewing rate sheet history

For each listing within the Rate Sheet listings page, you are able to browse the previously uploaded versions of that rate sheet, specific to the current rate sheet's tariff and provider.

  1. First, click the Rate Sheets link in the left-hand navigation menu and then select the rate sheet you wish to view the history of from the rate sheets listings page by clicking its respective History button in the Actions column
  2. From the history listings screen, you are able to see the previous rate sheets that were uploaded against the provider and tariff of the rate sheet you selected, the date and time they were active as well as the amount of rates contained within them on the right-hand side of the listings.
  3. To download a copy of any of the rate sheets listed, click their respective Download button, otherwise you can return to the rate sheet listings screen by clicking the Back to rate sheets button at the bottom of the listings.

Updated on 2017-05-24 16:32:35 +0100

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