This documentation is for our legacy Billingbooth Classic service. If you are a Billingbooth One user please see

Setting invoice "From" email address

  1. First, click Settings in the left-hand main navigation and then Templates in the drop-down menu that appears.
  2. On the Template Settings screen, locate the Email "From" Address field and amend it to your needs.
  3. Once you're happy with the value(s) you have entered on the screen, click the Save Changes button to complete the process and update any fields you've amended.


If a value is omitted, Billingbooth uses [email protected]. If a custom reply address is needed, this should be a valid email address where customers can send in emails with queries about their invoices.

Replaceable fields

The Email "From" Address field supports the concept of Replaceable Fields. These are variable names, which start and end using a dollar sign ($), and during the process of sending invoice emails will be replaced with the respective content. For more information on replaceable fields, see our Using replaceable fields within email subject and template article.

Updated on 2017-06-05 15:10:33 +0100

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